Hello All. This is our outpost on the web to try and keep our far flung family and friends posted on our family happenings.


....e-mail us, tell us what you are doing, reconnect. Write David on david@massivegroup.com or Tina on christina@massivegroup.com, and also visit our company website on www.massivegroup.com

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Best wishes to everyone this Christmas Season. Remember to take time for each other and tell your loved ones that you love them ... every day. Peace, joy and happiness in 2008!

Teddy Bear Tea at the Ritz Carlton

A Christmas tradition - a girly afternoon at the Ritz Carlton Teddy Bear Tea. This year, hosted by Taylor's Godmother, Diana, and her daughter Callie, a great afternoon was had by all .

Sailing in the Islands

Ryan has been taking sailing lessons all term. Here, he is sailing an Optimist. Tina, the motorboat chick, referred to this incorrectly as a Pico.

Christmas Concerts

Ryan and Taylor were both stars in their respective Christmas Concerts at school.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Ryan, The Runner

2 December. Ryan joins a Fun Run. Our little runner did a great job.