Hello All. This is our outpost on the web to try and keep our far flung family and friends posted on our family happenings.


....e-mail us, tell us what you are doing, reconnect. Write David on david@massivegroup.com or Tina on christina@massivegroup.com, and also visit our company website on www.massivegroup.com

Monday, July 16, 2007

Ryan rock climbs

July 16th. Ryan works up a sweat with a fun morning at the Ritz Carlton camp. Good technique Ryan!

Taylor's Birthday Party

Taylor and a few of her BFF's celebrate an early 6th birthday party with afternoon Tea at the Ritz Carlton.

Cayman Heritage Day at School

June 15th. Taylor and her classmates from year 1 dress up to celebrate Cayman Heritage and treat the parents to a traditional Cayman Feast for lunch. Here Taylor is with some friends enjoying the day.